
  • Creamy Blueberry Coconut Popsicle

    Creamy Blueberry Coconut Popsicles


    These treats are very versatile, sugar-free, dairy-free, and made with only 3 ingredients! Creamy Blueberry Coconut Popsicles make a cool treat for any time of day or as grab-and-go breakfast for summer. 3 simple ingredients, coconut milk, fresh blueberries and natural Sweetener. Though you can use sugar, honey or agave, I always opt for sugar-free with skinny maple syrup and erythritol due to my Diabetes. Whichever sweetener you choose, just be sure to taste as you go along to suit you own taste and liking.  NOTES and TIPS on Creamy Blueberry Coconut Popsicles : You can just blend the blueberry…

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