
  • Diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes


    HEREDITARY? Diabetes runs in my family. My maternal grand father had it and passed it down to his 3 daughters.. to my mum and two aunts. When my younger siblings were diagnosed with type-2 diabetes too, I started getting very health conscious. I stopped taking sugar in my drinks and…

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  • Crazy Era of Covid


    After a long spell, I have finally started Baking and Blogging again! The above featured photo is my first try of a baked chocolate pie. Notice the cracks and sunken center, a fail thanks to a new oven that’s a little too hot. The baked versions of chocolate Pies can…

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  • Reasons and Excuses


    Oh dear me, it’s been years since I posted anything on my blog!! Truth be told, Life and adventures simply took over and I relocated from Malaysia to Belgium and now in the United Kingdom. So much has happened since then. Good life events, not so good ones and really…

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  • Goodbye 2014


    You made me cry, made me laugh…but it’s time to move on and face new challenges.    2014 was very eventful and overwhelming. It was a year of good, of bad and even ugly for me, for Malaysia and for the World. My family and I have had to endure the grief…

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  • Vitamin F=Friends


    Vitamin F = Friends. This inspirational story was sent to me by an old school friend via email. It is just too good to not share with everyone. Please take some time to read it. I too, thank those of you who have been my Vitamin F. Simply love this…

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  • Positive Life in Abundance


    When we talk about a positive life in abundance, most people immediately think of money. Financial prosperity is one obvious expression of abundance, but it is not the whole story. So what is the meaning of this positive life in abundance? It is important to understand that a person who lives…

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