
  • diagnosed with type-2 diabetes

    Diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes


    HEREDITARY? Diabetes runs in my family. My maternal grand father had it and passed it down to his 3 daughters.. to my mum and two aunts. When my younger siblings were diagnosed with type-2 diabetes too, I started getting very health conscious. I stopped taking sugar in my drinks and cooking altogether. My husband and I even had daily walks. We stopped eating out at restaurants or had take out either. I prepared mainly healthy home cooked meals. Even our occasional takeout would be healthy choices. I used a natural sweetener if any of the desserts I made called for…

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  • Positive Life in Abundance


    When we talk about a positive life in abundance, most people immediately think of money. Financial prosperity is one obvious expression of abundance, but it is not the whole story. So what is the meaning of this positive life in abundance? It is important to understand that a person who lives…

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